Prof. Marguerite Nyhan is Full Professor of Engineering for Sustainability at the National University of Ireland - University College Cork.
While conducting her PhD in Environmental Engineering in Trinity College Dublin, Nyhan was invited to Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston to conduct research and was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship at this time. Following the completion of her PhD, she was hired as a Post-Doctoral researcher at MIT and led the Urban Environmental Research Team within MIT’s Senseable City Laboratory. She was then a Post-Doctoral researcher at Harvard University’s School of Public Health. Later, she was recruited by the United Nations in New York City, where she worked as a Research Scientist and diplomat.
With a background in environmental engineering, urban analytics and public health, Marguerite is interested in informing the design of zero carbon, sustainable, healthy and livable cities of the future. Nyhan has published groundbreaking research on using ICT datasets to evaluate urban dynamics at a city-wide scale; modelling emissions and human exposures to pollution; and determining associations between exposures and human health outcomes through environmental epidemiological modelling methods. Her current work also focuses on the human health impacts of climate change; and in harnessing emerging technologies in humanitarian efforts and sustainable development work to achieve the targets set out in the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Marguerite's work has been featured extensively in the media, including in the Irish Times, the Guardian newspaper and NPR. She has spoken to a range of audiences globally; from lecturing at MIT, Harvard and UCC, and giving a TED talk in her home country of Ireland to addressing the United Nations Environment Assembly in Kenya.
Contact: marguerite.nyhan@ucc.ie
Twitter: @margueritenyhan
National University of Ireland - University College Cork, Ireland
Full Professor of Engineering for Sustainability, School of Engineering & Architecture, UCC
United Nations - Research Scientist
United Nations Global Pulse, Executive Office of the Secretary-General, UN HQ, New York City, United States
Harvard University - Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, United States
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Post-Doctoral Research Fellow & Urban Environmental Research Lead
Senseable City Laboratory, Department of Urban Studies & Planning, MIT, Boston, United States
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Visiting PhD Student & Fulbright Scholar
Trinity College Dublin Ireland - PhD in Civil & Environmental Engineering
National University of Ireland - University College Cork - BEng in Civil & Environmental Engineering
First Class Honours Degree awarded. Interned at the Irish Environmental Protection Agency
Publications (selected)
Please see my UCC research profile for a comprehensive list of my publications and research grants: https://research.ucc.ie/profiles/D012/marguerite.nyhan@ucc.ie
Iacopo Testi, An Wang, Sanjana Paul, Simone Mora, Erica Walker, Marguerite M Nyhan, Fabio Duarte, Paolo Santi, Carlo Ratti, 2024. Big mobility data reveals hyperlocal air pollution exposure disparities. Nature Cities, 1, 512-521. https://www.nature.com/articles/s44284-024-00093-x
Marguerite M Nyhan, John F Cryan, 2023. Embed Impact on SDGs in Research Assessments. Nature, 621 (258). https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-02860-7
Purcell, L.,O’Regan, A., McGookin, C., Nyhan, MM. 2024. Modelling & Spatial Mapping of Residential-Sector Emissions for Sub-National & Urban Areas. MethodsX, 12 (102617). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2024.102617
Sabedotti, MES*; O’Regan, AC; Nyhan, MM* co-first authors, 2023. Data Insights for Sustainable Cities: Associations between Google Street View-Derived Urban Greenspace and Google Air View-Derived Pollution Levels. Environmental Science and Technology, 57 (48):19637-19648. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.est.3c05000
O’Regan, AC, Nyhan, MM, 2023. Towards Sustainable and Net-Zero Cities: Environmental Modelling and Monitoring Tools for Optimizing Emissions Reduction Strategies for Improved Air Quality in Urban Areas. Environmental Research, 231 (116242). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935123010459?via%3Dihub
O’Regan, AC*; Byrne, R; Hellebust, S; Nyhan, MM*. * co-first authors, 2022. Associations between Google Street View-derived urban greenspace metrics and air pollution measured using a distributed sensor network. Sustainable Cities And Society, 87 (104221). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2022.104221
O'Regan, A, Hunter, R, Nyhan, MM, 2021. "Biophilic Cities" - Quantifying the Impact of Google Street View-Derived Greenspace Exposures on Socioeconomic Factors & Self-Reported Health. Environmental Science & Technology. 55, 13, 9063–9073. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c01326 (Impact Factor 7.8)
Blomberg, A, Nyhan, MM, Bind, M-A, Vokonas, P, Coull, BA, Schwartz, J, Koutrakis, P, 2020. The Role of Ambient Particle Radioactivity in Inflammation and Endothelial Function in an Elderly Cohort. Epidemiology. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32282436/ (Impact Factor 4.7)
Romero, Y, Chicchon, N, Duarte, F, Noel, J, Ratti, C, Nyhan, MM, 2019. Quantifying and Spatial Disaggregation of Air Pollution Emissions from Ground Transportation in a Developing Country Context: Case Study for the Lima Metropolitan Area in Peru. Science of the Total Environment. 698, 134313. (Impact Factor 5.6) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969719343049
Nyhan, M., Rice, M., Blomberg, A., Coull, B.A., Garshick, E., Vokonas, P., Schwartz, J., Gold, D., Koutrakis, P., 2019. Associations Between Ambient Particle Radioactivity and Lung Function. Environment International. 130C 104795. doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2019.04.066 (Impact Factor 8.0)
Li, W., Nyhan, M., Wilker, E.H., Vieira, C.L.Z., Lin, H., Schwartz, J.D., et al., 2018. Recent Exposure to Particle Radioactivity and Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation: The Framingham Heart Study. Environment International. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30376999 (Impact Factor 8.0)
United Nations and the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development. The Promise of Digital Health: Addressing Non-communicable Diseases to Accelerate Universal Health Coverage in LMICs. Report published 2018. Link
Nyhan, M., Grauwin, S., Britter, R., Laden, F., McNabola, A., Misstear, B., Ratti., C., 2016. Exposure Track - The Impact of Mobile Device Based Mobility Patterns on Quantifying Population Exposure to Air Pollution. Environmental Science & Technology. 50(17):9671-81. (Impact Factor 7.2) Link
Nyhan, M., Britter, R., Kloog, I., Koutrakis, P., Ratti, C., 2018. Quantifying Population Exposure to Air Pollution Using Mobility Patterns Inferred from Mobile Phone Data. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (Nature Publishing Group). www.nature.com/articles/s41370-018-0038-9
Nyhan, M., Coull, B.A., Gold, D., Schwartz, J., Koutrakis, P., 2018. Associations Between Ambient Particle Radioactivity and Blood Pressure: The Normative Aging Study. Journal of the American Heart Association. 7(6): e008245. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.117.008245. (Impact Factor 5.5) Link
Nyhan, M., Misstear, B., McNabola, A. 2014. Comparison of Predicted Particulate Matter Dose and Heart Rate Variability Response in Cyclists, Pedestrians, Bus and Train Passengers. Science of the Total Environment. 468-469, 821-831. (Impact Factor 5.6) Link
Nyhan, M., Nyhan, M., Sobolevsky, S., Kang, C., Robinson, P., Corti, A., Szell, M., Streets, D., Lu, Z., Britter, R., Barrett, S.R.H., Ratti, C., 2016. Predicting Vehicular Emissions in High Spatial Resolution Using Pervasively Measured Transportation Data and Microscopic Emissions Model. Atmospheric Environment. 140, 352-363. (Impact Factor 4.0) Link
Boy, J., Pastor, D., Nyhan, M., Moreno Jimenez, R., Macguire, D., Luengo Oroz, M., 2019. Towards an Understanding of Refugee Segregation, Isolation, Homophily & Ultimately Integrating in Turkey Using Call Detail Records. Proceedings of the Data for Refugees Challenge. https://datapopalliance.org/d4r/
Quinn J.A., Nyhan M., Navarro, C., Coluccia, D., Bromley, L., Luengo-Oroz, M., 2018. Humanitarian Applications of Machine Learning with Remote Sensing Data: Review & Case Study in Refugee Settlement Mapping. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences. 13;376(2128). pii: 20170363. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2017.0363.
Nyhan, M., Misstear, B., McNabola, A., 2014. Evaluating Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting Minute Ventilation and Lung Deposited Dose of Pollution in Commuting Cyclists. Journal of Transport & Health. 1(4), 305-315. (Impact Factor 2.8) Link
Nyhan, M., Oletic, D., Britter, R., Ratti, C., 2016. Airscapes Singapore - Evaluating Personal Exposure to Air Pollution Using a Distributed Network of Mobile Environmental Sensors and Smartphones - Link to Airscapes Website
Nyhan, M. Coping with Air Pollution in an Age of Urbanisation. Angle Journal, 2015. Link